Solutions For Various Kinds Of Trouble
Up to the present, Trust Japan has conducted inquiries into many different types of problems, delivering resolutions and revealing the truth. Although we often handle cases of infidelity, corporate investigations, missing persons, and scam-related inquiries, besides these we also accept a variety of other problems. There may be occasions when problems arise and you are unsure whether to enlist the help of an investigation agency, but please feel free to contact us no matter what the case. We cordially offer consultation with foreign people regarding any kind of concern.
Are You Having Any of the Following Worries?
- You are being threatened by a Japanese individual or organization
- Trouble with a visa or employment contract
- Emotional distress due to difficulty adjusting to life in Japan
- Money problems, such the money you lent to a Japanese person you trusted hasn’t been returned
We’ll take care of any of the above. Japanese people are unique in their culture, customs, and the way they deal with people. Particularly the way one communicates while gauging another’s reaction is a distinctively Japanese trait, and is something which makes it difficult for people from other countries to have personal relationships. For any kind of trouble, you can count on Trust Japan.