Background Checks On Business Contacts

Background Checks On Business Contacts

Background Checks On Business Contacts
We conduct inquiries into allegations of fraud by employees and executives at Japanese branch offices, suspicion of embezzlement of funds by business associates, and private business owners that fail to pay back debts and accounts receivable. Through investigating not only the company, but also the conduct, background, and financial situation of specific suspicious individuals, unexpected facts come to light. Please consult with us when you suspect that someone in your business is scheming something. It is imperative to get to the truth early, before the future of your company is threatened by a malicious individual.

Background Checks On Branch Office Employees Suspected Of Corruption

Background Checks On Branch Office Employees Suspected Of Corruption
Recently, there have been many reports of fraud committed by employees transferred to branch offices in Japan. Out of sight from company headquarters, they make false expense claims, commit sexual harassment, and have a negligent attitude at work. With even one company employee like this, it can disrupt the attitude of many others and lead to decrease in sales. There was even a case in the past of one extremely malicious employee, who claimed expenses which were actually spent at his private visits to sex establishments. When you suspect your employee of this kind of fraud, we track and monitor them, and submit a report after gathering information about their activities.


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